Seminar – Selected public aid aspects in the context of the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015

Data: 2015-06-23

Seminar – Selected public aid aspects in the context of the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015

by webmaster

The purpose of a seminar organised by Polish Wind Energy Association and Crido Taxand consulting firm is to discuss public aid issues related to the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015 crucial for wind energy investments. The seminar will discuss issues such as public aid calculation mechanism pursuant to Article 39 of the Act, the principles for verification of the received and available aid, key issues related to public aid eligibility and awarding principles, case studies, key investment risks related to public aid awarding principles, public aid in the context of green certificates scheme as well as selected other incentives and exemptions for wind energy investors.

23.06.2015, Zielna Conference Centre, Warsaw

The Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015 introduces new determinants for green energy investments, including wind energy. One of key practical aspects of the introduced auction scheme is the investors’ obligation to comply with certain rules related to the application for public aid under the new support scheme for producers of electricity from renewable sources.

The purpose of a seminar organised by Polish Wind Energy Association and Crido Taxand consulting firm is to discuss public aid issues related to the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015 crucial for wind energy investments. The seminar will discuss issues such as public aid calculation mechanism pursuant to Article 39 of the Act, the principles for verification of the received and available aid, key issues related to public aid eligibility and awarding principles, case studies, key investment risks related to public aid awarding principles, public aid in the context of green certificates scheme as well as selected other incentives and exemptions for wind energy investors.



